Static magnets have been used for centuries and have proven to be helpful in the healing process with some problems. More recently Magnetic Resonance Stimulation (MRS) has been found to be the more effective way of dealing with both physical and psychological/emotional problems.
The difference between the 2 is very significant.
Static magnets can only produce one frequence and since each different type of body cell responds to or resonates with only 1 specific frequency the static magnets can only benefit the one type of cell that responds to the frequency that it produces. Thus their therapeutic value is extremely limited.
Static magnets have a slowly declining intensity, so that they will not have the same effect on you in a few years you as they did when you first bought them.
Lastly they can only be of benefit to y0u if they are in contact with you and once that contact is broken then any therapeutic value they might have had is no longer in effect.
The MRS 2000 is the most advanced, the most tested and widely sold Pulsating Electromagnetic Field(PEMF) device in the world. It is a registered medical device in Germany. It produces a wide range of frequencies with each pulsation so that each different type of cell (e.g. bone cell, muscle cell, nerve cell, etc.) is able to find the specific frequency that it resonates with and there-fore can be energized by it. This allows all the body cells to attain and maintain their highest level of functioning.
The control panel of the MRS 2000 also allows you to pick the time of day you are having the treatment on the Chinese Organ Clock so that it will not produces frequencies that would energize organs that are at rest. The control panel also allows you to adjust both the length and intensity of the treatment and which of the 3 applicators (if you are using the Med Set) you will use for the treatment. The intensity levels also do not decline since they being constantly renewed by the energy source that the unit is plugged into to.
Lastly the effects the 8 minute treatments of the MRS 2000 last 4 to 6 hours after the treat-ment. Therefore 2 eight minute sessions a day is enough for most people to attain and main-
tain health.
To find out more information about the MRS 2000 and the many ways in which it can help you and your friends, family and pets please go to