By far the most commonly performed operation on women is a hysterectomy. It is also the most commonly unnecessary operation, with conserative estimates putting the unnecessary hysterectomies at 60%. It is one which the doctors, usually male, keep making a lot of money on, so they are always looking for new women to operate on. In over 95% of the cases the operation is elective, in other words the doctor has to try and convince the woman that this is her only real choice. To do this he, and to a far lesser extent she, will minimize the dangers and common side effects and in some cases actually lie as to what the woman is likely to experience after the surgery. They know that if the woman was told the truth about the surgery, they would have little chance of getting her on the operating table.
Such things as personality changes (79.1%), irritability (79.0%), diminished or absent sexual desire (75.2%) are only but a few of the many side effects that women experience after hysterectomy. As you might imagine these alone can place a tremendous strain on a marriage, so much so that Dr. Winnifred Cutler states in her book, Hysterectomy: Before & After, "One of the most common side effects of hysterectomy is divorce." To get a complete breakdown of the many tragic side effects of hysterectomy please click on Some of these such as increased risk of heart disease, more rapid aging, short term memory loss, etc. are things that you can be sure the doctor that is trying to talk the women into the surgery would not mention.
The MRS 2000 offers new hope for correcting of problems that they are now doing hysterectomies for. Such problems as dysmeorrhea(painful periods), menorrhagia (heavy bleeding at the time of the period) and endometriosis are but a few of the conditions that the MRS 2000 has been used to help successfully resolve. For other problems such as uterine fibroids, there are other proceduces now (embolization, myolysis) that are far less drastic and dangerous. allows the woman to keep her uterus and avoid all the tragic side effects of a hysterectomy. But if the doctor that the woman is seeing doesn't know how to do these procedures you can be sure they will not recommend them to you. In fact, if the woman asked them about the procedures they would probably try and discourage her from trying them because if she went to another doctor they would be losing that money.
For more information on the MRS 2000, please go to my website,, or email me at, or call me toll free anywhere in continental US or Canada, 1-866-551-0055.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Deadly, Disease Causing Electro-Smog
One of the health dangers that almost everyone faces and yet relatively few people are aware of is Electro-Smog. Everything that has electricity running through it will be emitting an electromagnetic field that, for the most part, is harmful to the bodies of both animals and humans. It starts with having an electronic alarm clock on the headboard or a night stand right next to your head which means all night your head/brain are being bombarded with electromagnetic pulsations that are harmful to them. It continues with the use of electric shavers, hairdryers, microwaves, coffee makers, etc. as we get ready to head out the door to work. Then there is the drive to work during which our bodies are subjected to electromagnetic field emitted by the vehicle itself as well as the radio/stereo that we listened to as we drive.
Once we get to work, many of us must sit in front of a computer or stand in front of a machine all day, subjecting our bodies to an ever increasing amount of harmful electromagnetic radiation. Once our work day is over, we head back home to be bombarded by the car, television set, etc., constantly immersing our bodies in the electro-smog that surrounds us.
In addition to all of the above, there is also the ever present cordless and cell phone(in all its many forms,IPhone, Smart Phone, Blackberry, etc.). What many don't realize is that these phones use microwave technology to transmit and receive their messages. So all the while you are holding that next to your ear or worst still wearing it over your ear, you are literally cooking your brain. Now to be sure, cell phone companies and sellers/distributors don't want you to be aware of this problem, so they actively suppress the reports and studies which repeatly show how long term use of the cell phone causes a significant risk of brain cancer(s). For more on this go to Google and type in Cell Phones and Brain Cancer or go to,
The MRS 2000 can help to fortify your body cells against daily bombardment of electro-smog that you must face at your work by providing your body cells with healthy, natural electromagnetic energy, so that it can continue to be healthy despite the electro-smog onslaught. For more ways it will help please go to
In addition you can do certain things to reduce the amount of deadly electro-smog that your body has to deal with. For example move that alarm clock at least 5 feet away from your bed so that you actually have to get up to turn it off. Use land lines as much possible and if you have to use a cell or cordless phone put it on speaker phone whenever you can. The effects of harmful electromagnetic energy decrease with distance, so sit further back from the tv and computer when you can. Also reducing your time in front of both will prove beneficial, especially if you use that time to exercise or spend it with the family.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Comparison Chart of the MRS 2000, the QRS and the Bemer 3000

There have been a number of inquiries as to how the MRS 2000 compares with the QRS and the Bemer 3000. I have prepared the following chart to give a concise comparison of the similarities and differences between the 3 units.
Remember too that the MRS 2000 is the only one of the three that is FDA Registered.
It is also the only one of the 3 that is washable and doesn't absorb body odours. Because both the QRS and the Bemer 3000 have a wire mesh woven through a fabric pad, so neither is washable
Saturday, October 9, 2010
MRS 2000 Now Registered With The FDA
From time to time people ask if the MRS 2000 is registered with the FDA in the US. Originally, although it had been inspected and accepted by the FDA, MediConsult, the manufacturer of the MRS 2000, did not seek to be registered by the FDA. Now it has done that and is officially registered with the FDA. You can check this at the FDA's own website,
It is also interesting to note that our 2 closest competitors, the Bemer 3000 and the QRS are not registered with the FDA. It should also be noted that the MRS 2000 is only one of 2 Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT) devices registered with the FDA and the other one costs $25,000.
To find out more about the MRS 2000 and the other products from MediConsult please go to my website or you can email me at or call me toll free from anywhere in the continental US or Canada at, 1-866-551-0055. Because of government restrictions, MediConsult reps are not allowed to publish the prices of the equipment. Please contact me for the prices of the equipment you are interested in.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Sound Light Relaxation System (SLRS)

One of the unique features of the MRS 2000 is the SLRS, a system that uses both sound and visual imput to the brain to accomplish several different things:
1. It helps to stimulate neural activity and circulation in the brain which helps the brain avoid such things as Alzheimer's and Parkinsons,
2. It is improves the brains ability to learn and remember, so very important in this day that stresses high mental functions in many different jobs.
3. It is able to produce brain entrainment. allowing the user to determine which brain wave pattern they want their brain to be operating in. For exmaple if you are tired and your brain is going into a Delta wavelength pattern which is for deep restorative sleep, but they have to study they can set the control panel for either Alpha or Beta wavelengths to increase their alertness and ability to learn. If on the otherhand you want to winddown from a stressful day and are finding it hard to go to sleep, you can set the control panel for Delta and while your body is receiving the many benefits of the MRS 2000 treatment, their brain is being reprogrammed into a Delta wavelength pattern, allowing them to get to sleep much more easily and quickly and experience the deep restortative sleep their body needs.
To find out more information about the many benefits of both the MRS 2000 and the SLRS, please go to, or you can contact me, Brian Sklar, directly at, or by a toll free call (1-866-551-0055, good anywhere in continental USA or Canada). Because MediConsult representatives are not allowed to post the prices of the MediConsult products due to US laws, you would also have to contact me for the price of the various MediConsult products including the SLRS. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, respectfully yours, Brian Sklar.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Effect of the MRS 2000 on Circulation

If you look at the before an 8 minute MRS 2000 treatment and after pictures of the same lady, you will notice there has been a
marked improvement in her outer body temperature as evident from the infrared-thermography. As I mentioned in the last blog
the MRS 2000 will charge each of the cells with a positive charge on its outer membrane so they can't clump together. As this
occurs, the circulation begins to improve and the blood pressure starts going lower.
Another benefit of this improved circulation is that there will be more oxygen available to all the 70 trillion body cells which
greatly increases the body's ability to fight off diseases including cancer.
If you would like to find out more about the many benefits of the MRS 2000, please contact me. I have a toll free number good
any where in the continental USA or Canada, 1-866-551-0055, by email at,. You can also go to my
website at where you will find a great deal more information about MRS 2000.
Although the US government forbids from giving out the exact price of what we are selling, I would mention that the cost of the
MRS 2000 Med Set is under $3700. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Respectfully Yours,
Brian Sklar, Certified Health Technician With MediConsult Canada.
Some Of The Conditions Helped By The MRS 2000

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