Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hysterectomy's Tragic Side Effects

By far the most commonly performed operation on women is a hysterectomy. It is also the most commonly unnecessary operation, with conserative estimates putting the unnecessary hysterectomies at 60%. It is one which the doctors, usually male, keep making a lot of money on, so they are always looking for new women to operate on. In over 95% of the cases the operation is elective, in other words the doctor has to try and convince the woman that this is her only real choice. To do this he, and to a far lesser extent she, will minimize the dangers and common side effects and in some cases actually lie as to what the woman is likely to experience after the surgery. They know that if the woman was told the truth about the surgery, they would have little chance of getting her on the operating table.
Such things as personality changes (79.1%), irritability (79.0%), diminished or absent sexual desire (75.2%) are only but a few of the many side effects that women experience after hysterectomy. As you might imagine these alone can place a tremendous strain on a marriage, so much so that Dr. Winnifred Cutler states in her book, Hysterectomy: Before & After, "One of the most common side effects of hysterectomy is divorce." To get a complete breakdown of the many tragic side effects of hysterectomy please click on Some of these such as increased risk of heart disease, more rapid aging, short term memory loss, etc. are things that you can be sure the doctor that is trying to talk the women into the surgery would not mention.
The MRS 2000 offers new hope for correcting of problems that they are now doing hysterectomies for. Such problems as dysmeorrhea(painful periods), menorrhagia (heavy bleeding at the time of the period) and endometriosis are but a few of the conditions that the MRS 2000 has been used to help successfully resolve. For other problems such as uterine fibroids, there are other proceduces now (embolization, myolysis) that are far less drastic and dangerous. allows the woman to keep her uterus and avoid all the tragic side effects of a hysterectomy. But if the doctor that the woman is seeing doesn't know how to do these procedures you can be sure they will not recommend them to you. In fact, if the woman asked them about the procedures they would probably try and discourage her from trying them because if she went to another doctor they would be losing that money.
For more information on the MRS 2000, please go to my website,, or email me at, or call me toll free anywhere in continental US or Canada, 1-866-551-0055.

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