If you look at the before an 8 minute MRS 2000 treatment and after pictures of the same lady, you will notice there has been a
marked improvement in her outer body temperature as evident from the infrared-thermography. As I mentioned in the last blog
the MRS 2000 will charge each of the cells with a positive charge on its outer membrane so they can't clump together. As this
occurs, the circulation begins to improve and the blood pressure starts going lower.
Another benefit of this improved circulation is that there will be more oxygen available to all the 70 trillion body cells which
greatly increases the body's ability to fight off diseases including cancer.
If you would like to find out more about the many benefits of the MRS 2000, please contact me. I have a toll free number good
any where in the continental USA or Canada, 1-866-551-0055, by email at DSKLARC608@rogers.com,. You can also go to my
website at http://www.blogger.com/www.mrs2000.ca where you will find a great deal more information about MRS 2000.
Although the US government forbids from giving out the exact price of what we are selling, I would mention that the cost of the
MRS 2000 Med Set is under $3700. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Respectfully Yours,
Brian Sklar, Certified Health Technician With MediConsult Canada.
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